
V1.9.35 System Update

Dear Valued Customers,

Our latest v1.9.35 is scheduled to update the live environment on October 31st, 2023, at 06.00AM GMT+8. This process shall take 10 mins and does not affect the operations; the system can be accessed as usual.

We genuinely appreciate your support for CoinsDo. Should there be any queries, please reach out to our customer support team.

Thank You and Have a Nice Day,
CoinsDo Team

New features

1.[CoinSend Center] Added acceleration function for BCH, BSV, BTC, DASH, DOGE, LTC, ZEC (UTXO mechanism). Acceleration button and successful consolidation miner fee now displayed in the same hash record's first entry.
Note: BTC acceleration unit is BTC/KB; client upgrade to V1.9.35 is required.

2.[CoinSend Center] Added server account setting filter function. Removes signatures from dispatch records that do not comply with the rules. Explanation:
A. Dispatch records with data approval and execution approval signatures submitted via API can have signatures removed based on configured conditions, transitioning to manual approval.
B. If data approval does not meet the conditions, both data approval and execution approval signatures will be removed. If execution approval conditions are not met, only execution approval signatures will be removed.

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3.[CoinGet Center] Collecting record - Added "Sender Address Type" (receiving address, gas fee address) display and export, customizable through table settings.

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4.[CoinGet Center] Receiving Address - Batch manual consolidation, added batch Fill All Balances button.

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5.[CoinGet Center] XRP addresses added Destination Tag switch, set in the "Check" button on the Receive Address page.

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6.[CoinSend Center] Same dispatch data and the same sub-account cannot undergo two approval processes (for normal users only). Restriction can be enabled on the client management page.

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Feature Enhancements

1.[Corporate Backend] Removed link to the old merchant platform. Please use the new version of the backend. If you encounter any issues, feel free to contact CoinsDo staff anytime.

2.[Merchant Backend] Bug fix - Copying sub-account permissions, approval limits remain unchanged.

3.[Merchant Backend] Added non-integer timezone switching.

4.[CoinGet Client] BTC and similar chain single address collecting now uses packaging to avoid change issues.

5.[CoinGet Client] Optimized ADA collecting, supports packaged transactions.

6.[CoinGet Center] When TRX uses resources, records of activating new addresses are placed in the gas fee address statement page (including export).

7.[Technical Optimization] Optimized unspend request for receive addresses.